The Newsletter

The Newsletter

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⚑️ Where to focus your creator energy next

It's easy to feel overwhelmed when building your own thing. The trick is to point all your attention towards the few things you can control: your output, attitude, and choices. No matter what twist gets thrown your way β€” treat it like it's there to help you, and it will. πŸ’¬ In

3 min read
🌁 Why there's no shortcut to great work

Actress Sally Field was once asked how to have a long, creative career. Field answered that most people get frustrated by all of the non-acting work (administrative tasks, casting calls, relationship-building, etc.), but early on, they realized this was the key: "The struggle is the work." Building a successful newsletter,

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βš–οΈ How to keep your creative projects legal

The truth is, no one you look up to had it all figured out when they began (especially when it came to the legal side of things). Thankfully, there are very smart people willing to share their knowledge, tools, and templates to help. πŸ’¬ In this week's issue: * Above board. Check

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πŸ₯‡ Who should be your first "true fan"?

You. We can discuss the importance of building an audience until the cows come home. But no one will be excited about your creations unless you are first. Here's how to make that happen. πŸ’¬ In this week's issue: * Transformation. What that "stuck" feeling might be trying to tell you. * Word

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🌱 How to tell if you're on the right track as a creator

The right path is whatever one keeps you creating. It's a simple truth, but one that can lead to incredible results when applied in the real world. If you've felt unsure about your strategy, here are a few resources to help you reframe your journey. πŸ’¬ In this week's issue: * Slow

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πŸ›£ Where does the road less traveled lead

As an independent creator, you get the benefit of deciding your route but also the burden of no guarantees about the destination. So, if you want to stack the odds in your favor β€” build something you enjoy working on from day 1, and let the winding road worry about itself.

4 min read
πŸ§— How to climb the ladder of creator success

Say yes to every opportunity that promises to get you even half an inch closer to your goals. In the early days of building your dream, progress will feel painfully slow. But don't mistake slow progress for none at all. Because it is there. You are getting closer. Just keep

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🧊 The iceberg illusion of creative work

No matter how simple another creator's success may appear from the outside, you can be certain that, for anyone who's achieved a significant milestone, there's a whole lot more happening beneath the surface. This week, learn how to get the unseen pieces just right. πŸ’¬ In this issue: * Breaking in. The

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πŸ”‹ The power of first principles publishing

Sometimes it can feel like you need to get everything right in order for your business or project to work at all. Thankfully, you don't. When you're first getting started, very few things really matter β€” and here's a peek at what those are. πŸ’¬ In this week's issue: * SEO principles. What

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βš™οΈ Why you already have the leverage you need

Many creators view leverage as an external instrument: relationships, funding, etc. But that's only one type. Leverage is anything that gives you an advantage β€” any tool, opportunity, or skill that multiplies what you do and its impact on others. Sometimes we just need a little help identifying what those are.

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πŸ’» The next generation of technology for indie publishers

It was an exciting week here at the Ghost HQ (just kidding, we don't have an office) β€” because on Monday we launched the latest major version of the product after more than a year of working on new features. To celebrate, we're sharing some of the highlights along with ideas

3 min read
🏁 The first requirement to win as a creator

Is that you have to be willing to play. Yes, the game of putting yourself, your ideas, and your content out into the world can be intimidating. But, you wouldn't be reading this if you weren't ready. πŸ’¬ In this week's issue: * Ownership. See the monetization path that offers an almost

4 min read
πŸ— The honest way to win on social

Is to forget about scale and focus on individual relationships. Reach, virality, and exposure are all byproducts of being a real human online. This week's resources will help you start thinking less about what you want to make, and more about who you want to help. πŸ’¬ In this issue: * Creator

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πŸ“š Success is not about what you know

It's about what you learn while doing. No person running a five, six, or seven-figure newsletter knew the exact path forward when they began, but they started anyway. And now, it's your turn. πŸ’¬ In this week's issue: * Upside down niches. Why thinking small is the key to getting noticed. * Sustainable

4 min read
πŸ‘ How to pick the right models of success

Find two or three creators whose businesses inspire you (what they publish, how much they charge, who they reach, etc.), learn from them, and ignore everything else. Success is as much about what you don't do as it is what you commit to. This week's resources will help you sort

4 min read

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