Ghost Admin provides a clean environment to manage your content with ease. Everything you need to create, preview, filter, and organize posts is in one place when you log in to your site.

Creating content

There are two types of content in Ghost that can be accessed from the sidebar:

  • Posts are the primary content type and always belong to an index page or collection of posts.
  • Pages are generally used for static content and are excluded from collections of posts.
Learn more about using the editor, optimizing content with post settings and publishing content.

Organizing content with tags

Ghost has a flexible tagging system, which can be used to organize your content both in the Admin area and on your website.

Tags can quickly be added from the Post settings menu, with a menu to select existing tags, or you can add new tags from here.

An example of adding tags in the Ghost editor

Tag archives

Ghost automatically places tagged posts into a tag archive — a designated feed of content that has its own URL.

For example, you may tag some content with News and other content with Podcast, which would create two tag archives:


If you tag a post with both News and Podcast — the post appears in both tag archives.

Tag archives are dedicated content collections for each category of content that you have. They have their own pages, their own RSS feeds and can support their own cover images and meta data.

Primary tags

The first tag in the list is always given the most importance, and some themes will only display the primary tag (the first tag in the list) by default. Tags can be re-ordered from the post settings menu. In this example, "News" is the primary tag:

News, Technology, Startup

Internal tags

Internal tags use a hashtag and can be used for special styling that is presented in a theme or to help filter and organize content internally.

For example, if you sometimes publish posts with video content - you might want your theme to adapt and get rid of the sidebar for these posts, to give more space for an embedded video to fill the screen.

News, #video

Here, the theme would assign the post publicly displayed tag of News, but it would also keep a private record of the post being tagged with #video, which can then be used to apply special styling via your theme.

Content management

There are several filtering options in Ghost Admin that allow you to quickly filter and search for content. These filters can be used to:

  • Quickly filter all draft content, published content or featured posts
  • Filter posts by access level
  • Filter posts by author
  • Filter posts by tag

Filtering makes organizing and updating content easy. If you have a filtered view that you need to access quickly and often, created a Saved view: